Causes Of Heel Pain And How We Can Help

Causes Of Heel Pain And How We Can Help

Norridge Foot Clinic: Causes Of Heel Pain And How We Can Help

Does your foot say "ouch!" every morning? That piercing pain in the heel of your foot can seriously cramp an active person's style. The heel painheel bone is subject to outside influences that can affect its integrity and cause heel pain. Here are the top causes of heel pain and how our Norridge, IL podiatrist at the Norridge Foot Clinic can help.

Causes of Heel Pain

Bursitis- Bursa are small fluid-filled sacs under the skin that are located between bones and tendons. Bursitis is inflammation of one or more bursa. Bursitis is a painful condition that can lead to stiffness, swelling, and pain in the feet.

Fat Pad Atrophy- Fat pad atrophy can occur in the metatarsal area of the feet or heels. It is the thinning of the fat pads that serves as a natural cushion for the feet. Fat pad atrophy can cause significant pain while walking. Women who wear high-heeled footwear for many years have an increased risk of developing fat pad atrophy. 

Stress Fracture- Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone. Most stress fractures are caused by repetitive activity and overuse, and are common in fitness enthusiasts, runners, and athletes who participate in sports.

Plantar Fasciitis- Plantar fasciitis occurs when the band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot becomes thickened and damaged. The right kind of treatment can help you relieve your pain and allow small tears in the plantar fascia ligament to heal.

How We Can Help

The Norridge Foot Clinic provides medical care for people with ankle, foot, and lower leg problems. Dr. Laura J. Pickard is a board-certified Norridge, IL podiatrist. She diagnoses illnesses, treats injuries, and performs surgery involving the lower extremities. 

At your first consultation, our podiatrist will perform a foot examination, take your full medical history and X-rays of your foot. A proper diagnosis is the first step toward developing a treatment plan for your condition. 

We can supply orthotics, which are tailor-made insoles, arch supports, and padding to relieve heel pain. You put the orthotic device into your shoes to re-align your feet, take pressure off vulnerable areas of your feet, and make your shoes more comfortable.

We may recommend cortisone injections to relieve your heel pain. Cortisone is a steroid that is an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever.

Surgery is often the last treatment our podiatrist recommends for many foot conditions. Surgery may be right for you if you still have pain 12 months after treatment. If you do need surgery, it will most likely reduce your heel pain. 

Your heel pain ends here. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Laura J. Pickard at the Norridge Foot Clinic today. Just call 773-625-2211. We will help you get back on your feet in no time.

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