Taking Care Of Feet As You Get Older

Taking Care Of Feet As You Get Older

Find out some helpful hints for how to keep your aging feet healthy.

As we get older we have certain health concerns that we need to address. While we may often focus on things like heart or mental Shoeshealth, some attention should also be paid to the health of your feet. After all, they keep you active and living the life you want! Find out how to properly care for your aging feet, and when it’s important to see your Norridge podiatrist Dr. Laura Pickard for care.

Promote good circulation

You can help keep blood circulating through your feet by propping them up whenever you sit or lie down. If you are sitting for extended periods of time (which is not recommended but can be difficult to avoid at times), try to get up and stretch every thirty minutes or give yourself a foot massage to get blood flowing.

Wear the right shoes

Wearing the proper footwear can prevent a variety of foot problems from plaguing you. As you get older the last thing you want to deal with are painful, sore feet that make it difficult to get around. Remember that your feet will continue to grow as you get older so you should always have someone measure your feet before you buy shoes. Also, try to have your feet measured at the end of the day when they are at their largest.

Opt for shoes that give your toes room to wiggle and move. Make sure to walk in the shoes beforehand to make sure they fit properly before purchasing them. Never buy shoes assuming you can break them in over time. Shoes should fit you comfortably from the start. Also, look for shoes that offer heel and arch support.

Prevent Foot Conditions

Fungal infections like athlete’s foot are very common. If the infection isn’t caught or treated soon enough, it can become more difficult to treat, so preventing infections is key. Be sure to keep feet dry and clean at all times. Change your socks and shoes regularly and use an foot powder daily if you find that your feet sweat often. If you notice any changes or signs of an infection call your Norridge podiatrist.

Is it time you talked to your Norridge podiatrist about your foot health? Then call Norridge Foot Clinic today. Give your feet the care they deserve at any age.

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