Helping You Manage Your Ankle Pain

Helping You Manage Your Ankle Pain

Your best podiatric health depends on many factors, including freedom from pain. At Norridge Foot Clinic, Dr. Laura Pickard helps many people in the Norridge, IL, area who have painful ankles, loss of mobility, and limited range of motion. She can help you manage your ankle pain, too.

A lot of people have painful ankles

The ankle is a complex joint, comprising the juncture between the two bones in the lower leg and the foot. It is responsible for weight-bearing and the simple and complex movements associated with ambulation. Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic state that ankle pain is a common complaint of young male athletes under the age of 24 and in young women 30 and older.

Along with persistent discomfort, particularly on the outside surface of the ankle, ankle pain co-exists with:

  • Swelling
  • Limited range of motion
  • Poor weight-bearing
  • Bruising
  • Redness

To determine the reasons behind these symptoms, Dr. Pickard will examine your ankle and take X-rays and other types of digital imaging if required. As she is known for her conservative and compassionate podiatric care, Dr. Pickard will put together an appropriate treatment plan to manage your pain and other symptoms. Some patients, depending on their diagnosis, require surgical intervention.

Common reasons for ankle pain include:

  • Sprains and fractures from acute and repetitive injuries
  • Gout
  • Arthritis
  • Scar tissue from previous injuries or surgeries
  • Tears and overstretching of tendons and ligaments

Managing ankle pain conservatively

Treatment options include:

  • Resting the affected ankle and modification of daily routines and sports training
  • Icing it, 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off
  • Compression and immobilization with an ACE bandage, soft cast, or another device
  • Elevation of the foot above heart level
  • Over the counter ibuprofen
  • Cortisone injections
  • Physical therapy (our Norridge, IL, office has on-site X-ray equipment and physical therapy for evaluation and treatment of your ankle pain)

Don't wait

Ankle pain means something is wrong. At the first sign of a problem, please contact Dr. Laura Pickard at Norridge Foot Clinic for a thorough, compassionate evaluation and care plan. Get back into your game and your life. Call our Norridge, IL, office to arrange your visit. Same-day appointments are available at (773) 625-2211.

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